I’m a lover of music and I’ve always enjoyed movies. I love how they can enhance our thoughts and ideas. I started my own blog in...
The average price of a fish net is between $7 and $10, and the average weight is around 7 pounds. The average price of a net...
It really depends on the weather. If you live in an area with very hot summers, then you can probably get away with a little longer....
Gail Miller is the author of the popular blog, The Good Book. Gail is a teacher and author of the books The Happy Chicken and The...
The irregular and largely unpredictable fluctuations in economic activity are called “the business cycle.” Although these fluctuations vary from year to year, most people experience one...
I am a huge fan of steve black’s work. His unique take on the theme of “the 3 levels of self-awareness” is really good, and his...
The boss baby 2 Dr Austin Armstrong is a must-have for me. He’s sexy and so much fun to be around, but he is also the...
For me, self-awareness is the ability to recognize our own thoughts and feelings, and to take full responsibility for them. I’ve always been able to feel...
Toulouise business school is a two-year program. I have been lucky enough to attend three. I feel like I have a lot of learning that I...
This summer, I have been working out at the gym with a pair of leggings, a capri, and my favorite baguette. I have been working out...