The business unit is the business unit of a company.
It’s the smallest division of the company, and the people who work in that division can be called upon to work on various tasks. They don’t do the work, they make the decisions.
Companies that have business units are usually referred to as functional units, because they are the basic units of a company, the work they do is divided amongst the people in the business unit. For example, if your organization is a pizza shop, you are a functional unit of the company because you make pizza.
Companies also have business units, but this is where you have to be careful. Business units are not people. They are just a unit of work that the people who work in a business unit do.
In business units, the people who do the work are referred to as the “business” and the people who manage the business units are referred to as the “managers.” Managers are often called “staff” or “stakeholders.” Managers get to decide which work the business units do, and how many people are on a business unit.
A manager could decide which work the business units do or how many people are on a business unit. In reality, the business unit does the work, and the managers do the management. That’s a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea.
This week we were playing with a new video game called C2C and wanted to make it about business units. I was using the word “business” and some other people objected, so we changed it to “business unit” and that was the end of it.
If you don’t tell a manager what the business units do, then it’s not really a business unit. Business units are people who make decisions about how to run their business. That makes them managers. This is why we’ve decided to call them managers. So, in my case, I’m a manager in my business unit.
What we mean by business unit is “The people who make your decisions about what is going on in your business.” We’d like to offer a few examples of what that might look like. A business unit might decide that they need to hire a new person to work with them in their product development. Or that they need to hire a new person to work with them in their marketing.
A business unit is a group of people who are responsible for making a decision. They are usually responsible for making the initial decision, because that is the only decision that is actually made in the business. They can be an entire team, or they can be just a handful of people. Either way, they are responsible for the decisions they make. There is no such thing as a business unit with an “independent” person in it.