danny lopez is a best-selling author, speaker, and the author of the popular guide to self-awareness. He is a frequent guest on radio and television shows, and his latest book, Self-Awareness: How to Transform Your Mind and Your Life, is a bestseller with over 9 million copies in print.
Lopez is the author of the best-selling guide to self-awareness, Self-Awareness How to Transform Your Mind and Your Life. The book, which has sold more than 9 million copies, outlines how to get out of the way of the “little voice inside of you” that can be a real obstacle to getting what you want and reaching your goals.
Lopez had been studying hypnosis for years before he decided he wanted to be a hypnotist. Now he’s a hypnotherapist who teaches people how to access the inner self-awareness that can sometimes be a barrier to success and happiness. He has a new book, Self-Awareness How to Transform Your Mind and Your Life, and has just released an audiobook.
This book is very much about the self-awareness required to actually achieve your goals. Lopez goes into depth about how to go about it, and discusses things he thinks are true for all of us. He talks about how self-awareness is something that we can acquire through practice, but also something that we can lose when we don’t practice and learn it.
A lot of people think about self-awareness as just being able to know when something is going wrong, but in fact self-awareness is more than just being able to know it is going wrong. Self-awareness means having awareness of our own motivations and habits, not only about how we feel about ourselves, but also about how we are feeling and what we are going through.
Self-awareness is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. You have to have a lot of practice in order to notice when your self-awareness is slipping, so it doesn’t just happen. In fact, if you don’t practice, you won’t even know when it is happening. The more you learn to notice when it is slipping, the greater your awareness of yourself.
It is a matter of paying attention to your awareness and what you are feeling and how you are experiencing yourself. A muscle needs to be exercised, and we can only stretch so far before it becomes fatigued and we no longer get any benefit from it. Self-awareness is like stretching that muscle, and we can only make it stronger by practicing.
This is the same principle I’ve always used: If you don’t practice, you don’t know when it is happening. Sometimes I see people sitting in their cars with their hands on their heads saying their prayers, and when I ask them how they’re doing they say nothing. When I ask them if they’ve been practicing their prayers in the car, they nod.
“I guess I should have more self-awareness. Or maybe I should just keep pushing until I reach enlightenment, so I can finally quit praying.
The thing about being alive is that we get to decide what to do with our lives. We can choose to follow our instincts, or we can choose to ignore them. We can also choose to follow our heart or our mind. I like to use the word “choices” because we are “choosing” to act on certain things, even if we don’t know how or why.