The only thing that’s responsible for making business strategies in a large conglomerate is the president.
This is the problem with large corporations, the CEO is a dictator who has no idea how to run a business (or even care), so the company’s business strategy is a bit of an accident. It’s also the same problem that happens when you hire a company to do a good job and the company just gets lazy and doesn’t do it right.
The CEO is an important player in any corporation. The reason you pay such a large amount of money in a company is because the CEO is the one who decides what direction the company should take. The CEO also has the ability to hire and fire people, but the CEO does almost everything himself, which means that he is the person who controls everything. All of the business decisions that are made are made by the CEO, and only the CEO knows what the plans for the company are.
In a large corporation, things tend to get messy. The CEO has to make the tough decisions and sometimes he will make mistakes. The CEO will sometimes make these mistakes because they know how to make mistakes, and the CEO is usually the one with the smarts. However, in a large business, sometimes the CEO is just wrong.
For example, the CEO of the Chinese conglomerate is the one who makes all of the decisions about which products to sell and which ones to stop selling. What the CEO doesn’t know is that his brother is in the process of buying a chunk of the company.
The CEO is usually the one with the smarts, but in this case the CEO is just wrong. The decision about buying the company has to be made by both brothers and both have to agree to the deal.
The decision about buying the company has to be made by both brothers and both have to agree to the deal. The CEO’s brother has to be right. The CEO has to make a decision about whether or not to sell the company. The CEO has to be right about that.