I’ve been a member of the Smith Entertainment Group for over 6 years now. What a gift to know that I am in good company and am not alone with my thoughts and feelings. This is a place where I can speak freely and honestly about my personal issues. And it is a place that I am proud to call my own.
Smith Entertainment Group is exactly what it sounds like: an internet forum where people can discuss personal issues in a safe place. If you get a chance to hang out here and you feel uncomfortable with the discussion, just say so. The more people who feel comfortable with you, the better off you’ll be.
I’ve found that most forums are a little closed off and not quite as open as people say they are. The forums I’ve joined haven’t been as open as I’d like, and that’s not really a criticism of the forum. As a rule, I find it really hard to talk about my own feelings in a forum. I feel like I’m being judged and I’m not really sure why.
That’s because you don’t really have any feelings. You just think you do. And, you might also have a point there.
Most people on forums are just like you. They have feelings and think they do, but they dont really. And they like to think they do, but they dont. And they want to think they do, but they dont actually do. People can make it seem like they do, but they dont. And when you try talking to them, youll find they dont really care. Thats how forums work. Its not a bad thing. Its just a fact.
If you look around, you’ll find that most people on forums have some serious flaws. They don’t act like people. They are people, but they act like people. It’s no wonder that forums have so much abuse. But that’s not what matters. The real problem is that people are just like you. If you’re really honest with yourself, you’ll see that people are just like you.
The problem is that most people who try to interact with the people on forums don’t even realize that they have an issue. The people who post there, the people who try to interact with them, they are the ones suffering the worst abuse. Its the people who are real and do something about it who have the most to gain from forums.
In our own little corner we post about abuse and about people who are hurting the people who post there. But because people are just like you, it leaves you with no real choices. It tells you that you can no longer ignore the problem or try to control it. The only difference between you and the people on forums is that you know someone died because of the abuse, but you don’t know what happened to them because they couldn’t even tell you. There are no real options.
There is one option: learn to read and take some action. Learn to read the forums, and take out your anger and frustration on the people who are hurting you. You have two options: you can sit back and try to ignore the problem and hope it goes away, or you can stand up for yourself and do something about it.
In one hand, we have the people who have been abused. In the other hand, we have the people who can help you. A lot of people get angry about the abuse they see, which is understandable, but there are many times when it just has to stop, and that is the last thing you want to do. The fact is, you do not HAVE to be afraid of these people. Because once you are aware that you are in this situation, you can do something about it.