I’m ronald kramer and I make things.
ronald kramer is an artist known for his figurative paintings and illustrations. Though his work is also available for sale he is probably best known as a designer of the ’80s hit film “The Goonies,” the most well-known of which is “The Goonies.
That 80s film is the most well-known of the many film adaptations of the novel series, but if you’ve yet to buy Jim Henson’s masterpiece you might want to take a look at the film’s own wiki page.
Though ronald and I never actually met in person, we’ve gotten to know each other on a more professional level over the years. And since ronald and I share a love of movies, it makes sense that we would get along well.
As for the movie, it’s about a bunch of teenagers who, after a trip to the library, come across a book about the book series. They decide to get together as a kind of “gang” and make their own movie. A huge success in the movie world, The Goonies inspired a number of other films, such as The Goonies: The Movie (which you should definitely see if youve never seen the film).
You see, the book is called The Goonies, but it is not the book series that was inspired by. The writer of this book series was a fan of the Goonies series, but he found that the story was too similar to the movie series. So he gave the book series the title of The Goonies.
So, ronald kramer, writer of The Goonies, decided to give the book series a different name. Now, some of you might say, “Oh, he must be a genius!” or “He’s like a genius, only he’s not.” He’s just a simple man, but he thinks a lot of things. For instance, he had to give up his own movie in order to make this movie.
Well, I think the book series is a big, popular series, and I would imagine that people are familiar with the books. But I don’t think that many people are familiar with the movie series. And a good number of the people who read it probably don’t even know the name of the guy who wrote the book series.
Of course, this means that Ronald Kramer is a pretty good writer. Just like he really, really wants to make a movie, he probably already knows what he wants to do with it. He’s just not sure exactly how to get there.
Its possible that the reason people dont know the name of the guy who wrote the books is because he decided to give them their own stories. If he cant get it to work with the movie, then he might know the name of the person who wrote it. If he already knows the names of the people who wrote the books, then he probably already knows how to develop and market the movie.