In 2012, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at the inaugural “Future of Health Care” event in New York City. In the span of a couple of hours, I gave a presentation on the concepts of mindfulness, consciousness, and how we can shift our perspectives and shift our lives. I started by talking about the difference between a “self” and a “self-aware self.
The self-aware self is the person who is aware of how they act, think, feel, and feel about themselves. So it’s the state of being that’s our true self, not the person who acts, thinks, feels, or feels. A self-aware person recognizes who they are. However, it’s not until people are in a state of consciousness that they begin to have experiences of their true self.
ian griffiths is an artist and a writer.
ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. He lives in Los Angeles, California, and he is an artist too. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. He lives in Los Angeles, California, and he is an artist too. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. He lives in Los Angeles, California, and he is an artist too. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer.
ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. He lives in Los Angeles, California, and he is an artist too. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. He lives in Los Angeles, California, and he is an artist too. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer.
ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer. ian griffiths is an artist and a writer.
ian griffiths has written a novel that I have never read, and this is also the book I have never read, but I know it will be a great read. ian griffiths has written a novel that I have never read, and this is also the book I have never read, but I know it will be a great read.
I have not read anyone’s novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel.
ian griffiths is a book artist, and he has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel.I have not read anyones novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel.
And you know what. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has not written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel. ian griffiths has written a novel.