I was lucky enough to receive a free copy of the book “The Three Levels of Self-Awareness” by Stephen L. Carter. It is an extremely informative and thought-provoking book that is full of interesting research and scientific ideas. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their life.
The book is a follow up to his previous book, The Level of Self-Awareness. It’s full of the same principles.
Mr. Carter’s book is currently available for pre-order on Amazon. It is free with a 1 month trial, but even with the free trial you won’t get it for free. I think it is a good opportunity for people to read The Level of Self-Awareness and perhaps even use it for their own personal development.
The level of self-awareness is the same as the level of intelligence. There are certain skills that we all have at one time or another, but just because we are very intelligent doesn’t mean we always know all the answers. We can’t always know the truth, but we can always find it if we really want to.
In a world where people can be so smart and yet so stupid, there is no shame in being stupid. The level of self-awareness is the same as the level of stupidity.
It’s important to note that the level of self-awareness can only be attained by having the right mindset. The more self-aware you are, the more you will know what you are capable of. For a lot of people, their self-awareness is a way to justify their “stupid” behavior. They will do anything to avoid acknowledging what they are, and when they find out they’ve been wrong they will feel like they’ve been “screwed.
The problem is that people with self-awareness are very rare. Most people are just stupid, and the more stupid you are, the less likely you will be able to control what you do. When you find yourself in a situation where there is absolutely no way to stop yourself from doing something stupid, you will find yourself in the situation you are in now.
There is a name for this – “self-awareness” – and its opposite, “ignorance.” Just because you’re aware that you’ve been wrong doesn’t mean you aren’t unaware that you’ve been wrong. It just means you know you’re wrong, but you aren’t aware of it.
I have been guilty of this myself. Often the last thing I do is try to control my behavior, and the very act of trying to control my behavior will often cause me to mess up. This can be so frustrating because it takes away from the enjoyment of the situation and makes it a very “one-dimensional” experience.
In other cases, you just might be unaware of the consequences of your actions, so your actions are simply a result of your own ignorance. For example, if you drink too much, it might be your own fault for the fact that you were drinking so much, not the fault of the liquor you drank.