For a lot of people, when they hear the word “self” they think, “Oh, I don’t have that many thoughts.” Well, that is not true. Our brains have an incredible capacity to think globally and act locally.
How do we know this? We can’t imagine the world without our own thoughts, we can’t imagine our actions without the thoughts of others, and when we think about ourselves we are actually thinking about ourselves. Our thoughts about ourselves in turn are the thoughts of others. This is why we sometimes start off thinking, I dont have a good memory, well, I guess that is good for now.
Another way of thinking about it is to consider how our minds work. We have two separate brains, one in the left hemisphere and one in the right. The left brain is the one that can think globally, the right is the one that can think locally. The left brain can understand the world better than the right brain. We can actually have a global thought and a local thought that are two different things.
This is where the right hemisphere of our brain comes in. Our right brain is a lot more powerful than our left. It’s the brain that can think in a more global sense. We can have a global thought, such as “the world is ending” and then we can have a local thought, such as “I’m going to the store,” and we’re able to get our brain to process our thoughts in a more global manner.
We could be talking about two completely different thoughts. One could be a global thought and the other a local thought. The difference between the two thoughts is that in the global thought, the person thinks that the world is ending, and in the local thought, the person thinks that they’re going to the store.
Some of us like to talk about two completely different things. One is when we think of a world that’s ending and then we can get out of it and go back to the origin. We can’t get out of it because it’s been so long, we have no idea what’s going to happen.
A global thought, you can think about the world ending, and then you can be a part of it. You have the power to make it happen, but it has to be for the good. The local thought, you think, “I’m going to the store,” and then you go. We have no idea what’s going to happen, but we do know that the world is ending.
The Global thought, you think, Im going to work with the local guy because im from a small town, not because im the mayor, or the president. The Local thought, you think, I have my own ideas about how this is going to end, and you can be part of it.
The Global thought is a way for companies to be accountable for the actions they take. This is the thought that we should be doing when we do stuff, not just because it’s the thought that someone else thinks we should be doing. A local thought is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a way for businesses to be accountable for the actions they take.
Global thought is a way for businesses to be accountable for the actions they take, which is what we do when we work together. When corporations are accountable for their actions, they will also be accountable for their actions – in the form of their employees.