Since I was in college, I’ve been asked many questions about how I approach life, or how I think about life. My answer to that question is simple: The more I know, the more I understand. It’s easier to know if you don’t know. The more I understand, the more I can feel and know about my body. The more I feel and know, the more I can connect with my spirit. When I’m in the moment, I know more.
That’s a great answer, but what about the rest of the world? It seems like a lot of people would agree that they don’t understand a lot of the things most people know. I imagine a lot of people would be happy to know that they don’t know everything. But some of this knowledge isn’t shared with everyone. It just isn’t.
The problem is how often people can’t even get a basic understanding of what they’re talking about. We have so many ways of knowing about our bodies (and our souls) that we’re always having to stop and think to figure out what we really mean. And that’s where a lot of knowledge becomes useless.
We all have an idea of what our bodies and our souls are. So we dont really need a complex explanation of what we mean by “intelligence.” This is what Fuqua scholar refers to as knowledge. It may not be that well-known, and it isnt something that is taught to everyone. It isnt even something that is taught to the average student.
Fuqua scholar is a game in which you have to figure out what your body and your soul are. You have to study your own body, your own soul, and how they are connected. And while some of the games I play are very educational in their own right, Fuqua scholar is more like a game of knowledge that I can play and not be confused about.
The game comes from Fuqua, an online game made by the same people who make Minecraft. It’s quite popular these days, and I think Fuqua scholar is a good example of what happens when you bring online gaming to the real world. A game can have these amazing features, but if they are not used properly, they can fall flat. Fuqua scholar uses Fuqua to help teach you about your own body and the soul.
The game starts you with a full-body scan and brain scan. It then shows you a full body skeleton of a body with all of its organs, limbs, bones, etc. This is all of the information that you need to be able to move around (in real life, you would take a full body scan and the doctor would provide you with a set of coordinates, but this is a game with no human doctors to provide you with information).
After the scan you go to the doctor and get a full body workout. You walk around to each body part and put what you learn into practice. You do this until you’re able to move around without falling over in the right direction.
This is pretty cool. When you do this you can do different exercise patterns that will allow you to perform different things to your body. You can run, jump, and lift weights. You can run and jump in the same moment, or you can do it in a split second. You can also do a full body workout and then take a quick shower. Once, while showering I forgot to put on a top, but that is another part of the workout.
In a game like this you have to be able to be flexible and adapt to your surroundings. You have to be able to run in a straight line and lift weights. This is all based upon your body. If you have trouble with that, you can try and make your game more “real” by making it more “virtual.” In some ways it’s like a video game.