James K. is the founder and editor of The Daily Stoic. He is a speaker, writer, and teacher whose work has appeared in numerous places, including...
Jack Buchanan is a great example of the way that we aren’t aware of our own thoughts. Jack Buchanan has a habit of waking up at...
Many things are a mystery to us. We seem to be able to predict about everything. Many things don’t make sense to us, yet we are...
LastPass Business is the most popular password manager app on the Play Store. It is a free app that allows users to manage their passwords, encrypt...
Marijuana is legal in several states but the federal government is still cracking down on the industry. This factbook will help you understand the whole marijuana...
Our product model is a little different than the one we’ve seen on other website. It’s a little bit more in line with our values. Our...
This is a foundation blog where Brian shares the things that are important to him. I believe these things will help you, too. In this blog,...
The facts are that the mustang ranch is still going strong, but the main reason is because of the great work it is doing as a...
In life, I have found that the concept of “cod meaning” can be confusing. For me, it is the idea that you can do something for...
I’ve had a few conversations with many of my clients about their thoughts and emotions while doing their job at home. A lot of them use...