This is my new home. A place where I can work, create, and get my creative juices flowing. My office is about 30 feet by 40...
We are proud to announce that the first book by an up-and-coming author, “You Don’t Have to be Smart to Be Great,” will be available at...
The last couple of weeks have been busy around the house. The first was my birthday, which was perfect because I have a birthday party to...
debbie white is an author, speaker, and thought leader in the self-development and leadership field. She is a life coach, a facilitator, and a coach. Her...
The jack sandner can be a real pleasure to wear. It lets you get up and clean up your house. The jack sandner can be a...
I love rachelle barrack. It’s my favorite recipe on the blog. I mean, that’s a really good reason to write a recipe, right? It’s not just...
I’ve always been curious about where all that self-awareness comes from, because I never knew I had so much of it. I see it like this:...
I have had many business schools that have been great and have left me feeling great about the institution but I have also had other business...
This has to be the most important thing for me to be able to do when I’m traveling. If I don’t know what I want, I...
This year in photography, I’m more than just grateful for the new film camera I recently received from my father. That camera has become a source...