As a global business professional myself, I have a lot of friends and clients in different countries so I get to travel quite a lot. I’ve definitely seen a lot of rude and obnoxious remarks during my travels, so why do I feel the need to troll? Because, well, it’s not like I’m actually a troll.
Because Im not. Because I got a little too big for my boots. Because I can’t help myself. Because Im in business. Because Im not in a bad mood. Because Im not at the office. Because Im not in the mood. Because Im bored. Because Im not a bitch. Because Im not a nerd. Because I dont know why Im on this. Because Im not a fucking troll. Because Im not going to tell you.
No doubt a lot has been said about the recent rise of global business professionals who are in full-time employment in the corporate world. Now, I myself have a degree in business, but my job is not all that bad. I have to do my job no matter what, and I get to work with people who are far smarter and better than me. I even get to work with people who have been in the same business for a long time and can bring a lot to the table.
I’m sure this is true, but it’s not just because of the new global business professional craze. It’s because people who are not business people now are turning up in the workplace looking for work. And with all the new jobs in the economy created by technology, people are turning up looking for work in the same way as people before. So now you’re going to be hearing more about this phenomenon because it’s going to become more apparent in the future.
With that said, there are plenty of ways to troll your way to a new job. We are going to be talking about a new version of the old saying that goes, “a man looking for work is a fool.” And it’s not just people who are trolling. There are also people who are trolling to get a job, but they’re just not as good as you.
One way to troll is to try to find more job opportunities than you can handle, or to simply take your job hunting up a notch and find something completely different. An alternative way to troll is to simply make yourself look like a complete idiot. For example, you could try to look like youre an idiot by wearing a fake t-shirt (I know, the joke is on you), or wearing a really small, fake hat.
One of the more successful trolls I’ve come across is a man named Jason McDonough. He was a successful business professional in the IT field before he decided to troll for a job. He got a job posting in the local paper, got a few interviews, and then he got so bored with his job he started trolling for potential new positions in the IT field.
I have no idea if these examples are successful. I dont think the trolling thing is so bad, I think it is just over-the-top. It is kind of a way to do what some people do (such as trolling on message boards in a very specific type of forum), but it can be just as successful, in my opinion. However, I do think that it is really hard for a real person to troll on message boards in that way.
The problem is that, if you troll on a forum like this, you are doing it in a way that is likely to be offensive or even insulting. It is not that you are intentionally trying to make others laugh, it is simply that you are just trying to make others laugh. It is not that you want to be rude (you most certainly dont) or that you are trying to be mean (you most certainly dont) but rather, that you simply are doing something that is really stupid.